Title: Investigation of Text Input Methods for Everyday Use with One Hand

In this research paper, the authors discuss various text input methods that can be used in everyday life with just one hand. The aim is to develop a practical and efficient method for individuals who may have limited hand mobility.

One of the proposed methods involves attaching a tact switch to the fingertips of the hand. This switch can be toggled on and off, and the distance between the switch and the supporting surface of the wrist can be adjusted in three levels. This configuration allows for 15 different input possibilities (5x3).

To further enhance the input capabilities, two additional implementations were explored. The first is multi-tap input, which enables inputting the 50 basic Japanese syllables (known as “gojuuon”) and additional characters. The second method involves a touch-based input system.

The researchers also conducted experiments to evaluate the impact of posture and the occurrence of errors in inputting characters.

Link to the research paper: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/his/17/2/17_233/_pdf/-char/ja